"Nature always wears the colours of the spirit." Ralph Waldo Emerson
Nature influences all that I do at Withnell. When choosing colours I am not trend led just nature led.
"There are no lines in nature, only areas of colour one against another." Edouard Monet
Sometimes colour is the first part of the design process. I am surrounded with a palette of natural colours my doorstep. Other times I am influenced by shapes and forms, rolling hills, animals or little details like the underside of a toadstool.

Behind the scenes I have to think ahead as development is a long process. It's important to understand how different fabrics feel, what they are like to sew and how they will move on the body. The feel of the garment on your skin is very important. It's a sensory experience. The impact of fabrics is also important. So I have chosen to work mostly with mono fabrics. Fabrics of one origin i.e. cotton or linen that can easily be recycled in the future, and that will naturally biodegrade.

Design is a process and it it happens best when you have space to think, space to play and space to dream. I mindfully design our pieces, to be simple with quality rather than quantity as my priority.

" The designer does not begin with some preconceived idea. Rather, the idea is the result of careful study and observation, and the design a product of that idea." Paul RanD
Design ideas begin to develop once I have had time to observe and explore. They then become an instinct that I need to follow. I will begin to explore different shapes and textures always considering the human form, comfort and ease of movement.

The challenge for us is developing systems that work in harmony with nature. I want to create lasting pieces that are ageless and timeless to share with you and your kin. I aim to keep valuable natural resources in use for as long as possible. Durability and excellence can be achieved in a carefully considered way.